Tamadoge (TAMA/USD) Continues to Soar After Recent Dip

Following a bullish intervention at the $0.0045 price level, the TAMA/USD market has continued its upward trajectory, consistently forming higher lows and surpassing the $0.005 price threshold. Despite breaching this pivotal level, the market has encountered a minor support level above $0.005. However, new concerns have emerged as we observe resistance around the $0.0055 price mark. The TAMA/USD market has experienced rejection from this level on two occasions, with the most recent instance occurring in the current trading session. Consequently, the market is now seeking to establish another higher support level, targeting the 20-day moving average at $0.00518.


  • Erresistentzia: $ 0.013, $ 0.014 eta $ 0.015.
  • Laguntza: 0.0045 $, 0.0040 $ eta 0.0035 $.

Tamadoge (TAMA) Continues to Soar After Recent Dip

TAMA/USD prezioen analisia: adierazleen ikuspuntua

The market indicator suggests the potential for consolidation around the $0.00518 price level. Upon examination of the Bollinger Bands indicator, it is evident that the bands have transitioned from an upward trend to a horizontal movement. Additionally, traders appear to be establishing support around the 20-day moving average, indicating a minor deviation from the previous low of $0.00509. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) line has retraced to the midpoint of the indicator, reflecting a balanced market characterized by equilibrium between demand and supply.

Tamadoge (TAMA) Continues to Soar After Recent Dip

Tamadoge Epe Laburreko Perspektiba: 1 orduko grafikoa

As the market seeks support at $0.00518, there is a notable decrease in trading volume. This decrease suggests that the market is entering a consolidation phase. Should the bulls establish a strong foothold at this level, it could pave the way for a breakout above the critical resistance point of $0.0054 in due course.

Erosi Tamadoge!

Hurrengo hilabeteetan 100 aldiz balio handiagoa izango duen txanpon bat nahi al duzu? Hori da Tamadoge. Erosi TAMA gaur!

Jupiter Project: A Guide to JUP

Jupiter (JUP) is an advanced swap aggregation engine built on the Solana blockchain. It facilitates essential liquidity infrastructure for the Solana ecosystem and offers a comprehensive suite of DeFi products. Some of the features of Jupiter include Limit Order, DCA/TWAP, Bridge Comparator, and Perpetuals Trading.

The Jupiter token (JUP): Fueling the Fires of the Jupiter DEX

The JUP token is the lifeblood of the Jupiter DEX. Imagine it as the key that unlocks the Jupiter vault, granting holders a say in the platform’s future through voting rights. But the power doesn’t stop there. JUP fosters a thriving community by rewarding members with scheduled airdrops, a welcome rainmaker in the cryptoverse.

There’s a finite number of JUP tokens in existence—10 billion, to be exact. These are meticulously distributed to fuel the core team, strategic reserves, and liquidity, ensuring the smooth operation of the exchange. But worry not, the community isn’t left out. A portion is specifically allocated for those who make Jupiter tick!

Holders become galactic governors, shaping the platform’s destiny through the Jupiter DAO. We shower the community with 4 billion JUP tokens through regular airdrops, a crypto rainmaker that nourishes active users. A portion fuels the core team and strategic reserves, ensuring our longevity and forging powerful partnerships. The best part? JUP empowers community-driven initiatives through DAO-managed grants. JUP’s value isn’t just about utility; it ripples outward, fostering a vibrant community within Jupiter and the wider cryptosphere.

Welcome to the Jupiter Exchange: Your Stellar Cryptocurrency Oasis

Forget the crowded exchanges; Jupiter Exchange is your celestial haven in the vast crypto cosmos. Jupiter offers a universe of features, from comprehensive services to an unparalleled user experience. The platform is said to be a constellation of advantages, setting us light years ahead of the competition.

Holocryptic Defense:

Imagine your assets guarded by celestial sentinels. That’s the power of Jupiter’s cutting-edge holocryptic encryption. Jupiter Exchange erects an impenetrable barrier against cyber threats, keeping your digital treasures safe and sound.

Guardian of Access: Vigilance at its Finest

Multi-factor authentication becomes a multi-layered guardian in Jupiter Exchange. Jupiter employs a phalanx of security measures to repel unauthorized access, ensuring your account remains firmly within your grasp.

Intuitive Exploration: Charting the Course with Ease

Jupiter’s user-friendly interface is your launchpad into the crypto market. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a curious newcomer, navigating Jupiter Exchange is effortless. It’s like setting sail on a user-friendly spacecraft, allowing you to explore the cosmic market with grace and confidence.

Jupiter Project: A Guide to JUP

Unlock the Celestial Codex: Knowledge is Power

At Jupiter Exchange, powerful charting tools become celestial maps in your hands. Decipher the market’s movements with ease, make informed decisions with confidence, and wield the power of comprehensive analysis at your fingertips.

Diverse Asset Galaxy: A Universe of Opportunities

Jupiter offers a sprawling expanse of cryptocurrencies, creating a vast celestial canvas for your exploration. Trade a diverse array of digital assets, each representing a unique opportunity in the ever-evolving DeFi landscape. Jupiter Exchange is your gateway to a universe of possibilities.

Velocity in Trading: Lightspeed Execution

Jupiter has a lightning-fast trading engine, propelling trades at unimaginable speeds. Experience prompt and seamless execution, letting you navigate the market with unparalleled velocity and reach uncharted territories faster than ever before.

Jupiter (JUP) Market Metric Data

  • JUP/USD Price Now: $1.2
  • JUP/USD Market Cap: $1.6 billion
  • JUP/USD Circulating Supply: 1.4 billion
  • JUP/USD Total Supply: 10 billion
  • JUP/USD CoinMarketCap Ranking: #62

Amaierako Hausnarketak

In the vast galaxy of cryptocurrency platforms, Jupiter Exchange shines brightly as a paragon of quality. Its unwavering commitment to robust security measures, user-friendly interface, diverse selection of assets, and responsive customer service combine harmoniously, forming a constellation of qualities that positions it as a prime choice for your trading endeavors.

Negoziatu kripto txanponak BYBIT-en!

Changpeng Zhao vs. DOJ: DOJ Pushes for 36-Month Jailtime

In a landmark case that has gripped the cryptocurrency world, Changpeng "CZZhao, the founder of the renowned digital currency exchange Binance, faces a potential three-year prison sentence. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has aggressively pursued a 36-month incarceration term for Zhao, who has confessed to violating the Bank Secrecy Act.Changpeng Zhao vs. DOJ: DOJ Pushes for 36-Month Jailtime

Ren larritasuna Zhao’s transgressions has caused the DOJ to seek a sentence exceeding the initial 18-month plea deal. The prosecution’s argument rests on the substantial impact of Zhao’s failure to implement an effective anti-money laundering (AML) program at Binance. This lapse enabled the platform to serve as a conduit for various illicit activities, including transactions from darknet markets and proceeds from ransomware attacks.

Changpeng Zhao Should Only Get Probation: Akusatuena abokatuak

Aitzitik, Zhao’s defentsa taldea argues against imprisonment, citing his significant amaiera payment and acknowledgment of responsibility. They propose probation with ren aukera home confinement in Abu Dhabi as an alternative to incarceration.

The DOJ-ak filing underscores the broader implications of Zhao’s sentencing, portraying it as a cautionary message to the global community regarding the consequences of disregarding U.S. laws. The case underscores the necessity of stringent compliance within the rapidly expanding crypto industry, often likened to the "Wild Westdue to its lack of regulation.

As the legal proceedings progress, the DOJ highlights the unprecedented magnitude of Zhao’s misconduct. The filing outlines how Binance en lax AML measures facilitated the obfuscation of cryptocurrency origins and ownership, enabling a range of financial crimes.

Furthermore, the sentencing memo criticizes the current Sentencing Guidelines for Bank Secrecy Act violations, arguing that they fail to address the severity of crimes that pose a threat to segurtasun nazionala. helburua reflects a growing sentiment that the cryptocurrency sector must be held to higher standards of accountability to protect both consumers and financial system integrity.

With a $50 million fine already agreed upon, attention now turns to the epailearenak buruzko erabakia Zhao’s fate. The outcome of this case is poised to establish a precedent for handling legal breaches in the crypto space, signaling a new era of enforcement and accountability.

As the crypto community awaits the final sentencing on April 30, the question lingers: will Zhao’s case serve as a cautionary tale that reshapes the industriarena approach to legal compliance? Only time will tell.

Kriptografia-merkatua negoziatzen denean, ez du zertan izan "jokatu edo galdu". Babestu zure zorroa benetan emaitzak ematen dituzten transakzioekin, gure prima bezala kripto seinaleak Telegramen.


Eguneko kriptografia nola negoziatzen ikasteko interesa duzu? Lortu hemen behar duzun informazio guztia

Compound Experiences Bearish Breakout From Symmetrical Triangle

Market Analysis – Price Strikes Major Resistance Zone

Compound has just experienced a bearish breakout from a symmetrical triangle on the daily chart. Prior to the breakout, the Hull butterfly indicator signalled a price decline with its red hue. Compound (COMPUSD) has been locked in an enduring struggle with resistance levels, particularly evident around the $74.460 threshold, spanning nearly two years. Despite concerted efforts, the price has found it challenging to breach this pivotal barrier, with indications of resistance dating back to May 2022.

Funtsezko maila konposatuak

Eskaera-mailak: 106.000 $ 87.540 $, 74.460 $
Hornidura-mailak: 30.270 $, 26.000 $, 25.000 $

Compound Experiences Bearish Breakout From Symmetrical TriangleThe demand zone at $30.270 has emerged as a stalwart bastion against further price depreciation. With each interaction, this level has spurred bullish reversals, contributing to a sustained period of price consolidation within the confines of $74.470 and $30.270.

However, March brought a paradigm shift as bullish sentiment surged amidst the crypto community. The subsequent formation of a symmetrical triangle following the March ascent above $74.470 signaled heightened market volatility, culminating in a bearish breakout that breached the supporting trendline on the daily chart.

Prior to the formation of the Symmetrical triangle, Compound’s price propelled above the resistance zone at $74.400. Nonetheless, this bullish fervor was short-lived, as the price encountered immediate resistance at $97.540, precipitating a swift downturn.

The subsequent formation of a symmetrical triangle following the March ascent signaled heightened market volatility, culminating in a bearish breakout that breached the supporting trendline on the daily chart.

Compound Experiences Bearish Breakout From Symmetrical Triangle

Merkatuaren itxaropena

Looking forward, market sentiment remains cautiously optimistic, despite indications of a downward trend from the Hull Butterfly Indicator. While recent bullish activity has injected optimism, there is speculation regarding a potential pullback phase, with market participants eyeing a selloff targeting the last swing low of $43.000.

Lucky Block hemen eros dezakezu. Erosi LBLOCK

Oharcryptosignals.org  ez da finantza aholkulari. Egin zure ikerketa zure fondoak edozein aktibo finantzarioetan edo aurkeztutako produktu edo gertaera batean inbertitu aurretik. Ez gara zure inbertsioen emaitzen erantzule.

Shiba Inu zezenek oztopoa dute saltzaileekin txandaka

Merkatuaren analisia - Saltzaileak ardura hartzeko prest daude

Shiba Inu zezenek oztopoak dituzte, eta saltzaileek txandaka egingo dute. Shiba Inuk inbertitzaile askoren interesa bereganatu du. Hala ere, beste edozein kriptografia-moneta bezala, Shiba Inu ez dago immunea merkatuaren gorabeherak. Azken asteetan Shiba Inu merkatuan zezenen eta saltzaileen arteko borroka gogorra izan da.

Erosleek sendotasun handia erakutsi dute, saltzaileen aurka borroka serioa jarriz. Shiba Inu gaur egun 0.0000270 $-ko maila esanguratsuan ari da negoziatzen, beheranzko presioari ihes egiteko modu bat bilatzen etsi-etsian. Gaur egun, zezenak beheranzko bandera-kanal batean okertuta daude, sendotze fasea adieraziz, goranzko hedapen aldi baten ondoren.

Shiba Inu gako-mailak

Erresistentzia mailak: 0.00003700 $, 0.00002900 $
Laguntza-mailak: 0.00001500 $, 0.00000600 $

Shiba Inu zezenek oztopoa dute saltzaileekin txandaka

Zezenen bidaia 0.00000900 $-ko maila esanguratsutik hasi zen. Indarra hartu eta likidezia garbiketa esanguratsu batekin aurrera ateratzeko zortea izan zuten. Crypto-merkatuak erosteko jardueraren gorakada izan zuen, Shiba Inu-ren prezioa gora egin zuen. Hala ere, erosleek beren mugara iritsi zirenez, ezin izan zuten prezioa gehiago bultzatu. Horrek salmenta-presioari pixkanaka-pixkanaka erantzuna eman zion, eta ondorioz, beheranzko kanala eratu zen.

Shiba Inu zezenek oztopoa dute saltzaileekin txandaka

Merkatuaren itxaropena

Osziladore estokastikoak iradokitzen du erosleak gaur egun gehiegizko erosketa eremutik gertu daudela. Horrek adierazten du indarra galtzen ari direla eta merkatutik irten daitezkeela. Gainera, Moving Averages Convergence and Divergence (MACD) ezabatu egin da, prezioen joeraren bueltan egon daitekeela adieraziz.

Adierazle hauek kontuan hartuta, litekeena da erosleak eszenatik ateratzea $ 0.0000028000 gune esanguratsutik gertu negoziatu ondoren. Eszenatoki hau zabaltzen bada, sinesgarria da SHIBUSD-ren prezioa beheranzko kanalaren beheko aldean itzultzen ikustea. Horrek aukera bat emango lioke saltzaileek kontrola berreskuratzeko eta baliteke prezioa beherago egiteko.

Lucky Block hemen eros dezakezu.  Erosi LBLOCK

Ohar: cryptosignals.org ez da finantza aholkulari. Egin zure ikerketa zure fondoak edozein aktibo finantzarioetan edo aurkeztutako produktu edo gertaera batean inbertitu aurretik. Ez gara zure inbertsioen emaitzen erantzule.

Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Market Wallows Upward, Putting in Slows

Bitcoin prezioaren iragarpena - apirilaren 24a

The kind of price actions that have been showcasing in the BTC/USD merkatuko eragiketak as of this analysis, demonstrates that the price wallows upward, putting in slows.

The market’s rebound to the upward has been firmly adhering to a trade zone where long-position movers must exert significant effort to secure additional recovery motions. If the price would still remain in the middle of the Bollinger Band, the current trading movement velocity suggests that the advances to the north may not be receiving the timely positive push needed to sustain them.

BTC / USD merkatua
Erresistentzia mailak: 70,000 $, 72,500 $, 75,000 $
Laguntza-mailak: 62,500 $, 60,000 $, 57,500 $

BTC / USD - Eguneko taulan
The BTC/USD daily chart presents a show that the market is wallowing upward, putting in slows.

The lower Bollinger Band trend lines have held, providing a strong crypto signal that points to $60,000 as the next critical level at which the price should find support. The stochastic oscillators are being tentatively veering to the north while feigning a descent entry for bulls.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Market Wallows Upward, Putting in Slows

Will the current positive momentum speculation in the BTC/USD trade continue?

The positivity pace on the crypto signal on the BTC/USD merkatua operations may tend to prolong for a while, especially if the price doesn’t give back to a sudden fall-off, as the crypto economy wallows upward, putting in slows.

The blue part of the stochastic oscillators has traversed northward to a notable higher spot nearing the line of 80 to denote that further pushes to the upside seem not to build on stable moves soon. Investors may still hold to the way back to $70,000 and even a bit above before tending to returning to a correction.

Bears may still need to be extra cautious in the area of the middle Bollinger Band. To open up some areas of entry for sellers, a series of rejections must occur below the $70,000 resistance line for a considerable amount of time.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Market Wallows Upward, Putting in Slows
BTC / USD 4 orduko taula
The BTC / USD 4-hour chart showcases the crypto-economic market wallows upward, putting in slows

The upward trend lines of the Bollinger Bands have continued to lead towards the $70,000 resistance line. At the 40-point, the stochastic oscillators are prone to repositioning and the potential for further building up. Points between the middle and he lower Bollinger Bands are liable to form the zones for the market to move to the north

Ohar: Cryptosignals.org ez da finantza aholkularia. Egin zure ikerketa zure fondoak edozein finantza aktibo edo aurkeztutako produktu edo gertaeratan inbertitu aurretik. Ez gara zure inbertsio emaitzen erantzule.

Lucky Block hemen eros dezakezu. Erosi LBLOCK


Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR/USD) Corrects After Strong Price Surge

The Hedera Hashgraph market has remained relatively range-bound for an extended period, albeit experiencing a marginal bullish shift as volatility increased slightly. Leveraging this volatility, bulls propelled the market from the $0.07 price level to $0.10. Since February 20, price swings have predominantly occurred around the $0.10 mark, predominantly favoring upside movement, indicative of bullish strength.

However, on April 13, the market found support at $0.08. From the kriptografia seinalea on the daily chart, we discovered that this support level became a pivotal level for catalyzing another surge in price into the $0.15 price zone.

Hedera Hashgraph Merkatuaren Datuak

  • HBAR/USD Orain prezioa: 0.12 $
  • HBAR/USD Merkatu-Cap: $ 4.4 milioi
  • HBAR/USD Circulating Supply: 35.7 billion
  • HBAR/USD Total Supply: 50 billion
  • HBAR/USD CoinMarketCap sailkapena: #24

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR/USD) Corrects After Strong Price Surge


  • Erresistentzia: 0.16 $, 0.17 $ eta 0.18 $.
  • euskarria: 0.10 $, 0.09 $ eta 0.08 $.

Hedera Hashgraph Through the Lens of Indicators

The current bearish candlestick signals robust bearish momentum in the market. The market reached a peak at a high of $0.18. After a period of consolidation with minor shifts in an upward direction, many long-standing investors are seizing the opportunity to capitalize on the market’s high by taking profits. Given the prevailing bearish momentum, there’s a possibility it could potentially erode the gains of the bullish market, leading to a regression to around the $0.10 price level.

However, the market’s tendency to exhibit more upward swings above the $0.10 price level than below it since February 20 underscores the enduring strength of the bulls. While sudden, strong price movements like this one typically trigger profit-taking, the underlying bullish sentiment suggests that bulls may find support at a higher level, possibly around the $0.12 price level.

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR/USD) Corrects After Strong Price Surge

HBAR/USD Price Prediction: 4-Hour Chart Analysis 

Historically, the $0.12 price threshold holds significance to Hedera Hashgraph as a relevant level where bullish intervention could occur. However, given the current prevailing bearish momentum, the market might stabilize at this level as demand and supply reach equilibrium. This consolidation phase could potentially diminish the bearish momentum, paving the way for a resurgence of upward movement, aiming to reclaim the $0.18 price threshold.

Negoziatu kripto txanponak BYBIT-en!

Chainlink Halts Slide Above $12.75 But Remains Range-bound 

Chainlink (LINK) epe luzeko analisia: beherakorra
Chainlink-en (LINK) prezioa has slipped to the bearish trend zone but remains range-bound. The crypto has been recovering from its prior downturn. The altcoin rallied to a high of $22.83 before falling to a low of $11.96. Bulls bought the dips, halting the slide above the $12.75 support. The selling pressure has decreased over the past week and above the current $12.75 support level.

The altcoin is trading in a narrow range between $12.75 and the moving average lines, which serve as resistance at $16. Currently, the rising trend is encountering resistance at the moving average lines. If the LINK price is rejected at the recent high, it will continue to trade below the moving average lines. On the other side, the altcoin will resume a bullish trend if buyers keep the price above the moving average lines. chainlink will return to the prior high of $22.83.  

Chainlink Halts Slide Above $12.75 But Remains Range-bound
LINK / USD - Eguneko taula

Adierazle teknikoa:  
Erresistentzia maila nagusiak - 8.00 $, 10.00 $, 12.00 $
Laguntza maila nagusiak - 6.00 $, 4.00 $, 2.00 $
 Chainlink (LINK) adierazlearen analisia 
Given the current price rally, LINK price bars are now above the moving average lines on the 4-hour chart. The altcoin’s surge was short-lived since it was rejected at its peak of $16. Furthermore, it is still limited to the range below the moving average lines.
Zein da Chainlink-en (LINK) hurrengo norabidea? 
Chainlink’s price has recovered from its recent fall but remains range-bound. The 4-hour chart shows that it is consolidating above the $12.80 support but below the $16.00 resistance level. The bulls bought declines from the previous low, but they found support at $12.75. The altcoin has surged but failed to break over the $16 resistance level.

The altcoin will be compelled to move in a range below its recent high. In other words, kriptografia seinalea will remain range-bound as the altcoin declines and consolidates.  

Chainlink Halts Slide Above $12.75 But Remains Range-bound
LINK/USD - 4 orduko grafikoa

Lucky Block hemen eros dezakezu. Erosi LBLOCK
Ohar: Cryptosignals.org ez da finantza aholkularia. Egin zure ikerketa zure fondoak edozein finantza aktibo edo aurkeztutako produktu edo gertaeratan inbertitu aurretik. Ez gara zure inbertsioaren emaitzaren erantzule

The Pepe Market (PEPE/USD) Soars; Now Tackles Resistance $0.000008

The bullish momentum witnessed in late February propelled the market to reach a notable peak at the $0.00001 price level. This surge in bullish activity was robust, contributing to heightened volatility across the market. Despite attempts by bears to capitalize on this volatility, they contended with the prevailing bullish sentiment. Consequently, the market traded sideways within a broad price channel, fluctuating between approximately $0.000001 and $0.0000047.

However, in recent days, following the market’s establishment of support around $0.0000048, the price of the Pepe market has experienced an upward trajectory. Nevertheless, the pertinent question remains: can the bulls sustain this upward momentum in the market?

The Pepe Market Data

  • PEPE/USD Price Now: $0.0000084
  • PEPE/USD Market Cap: $3,354,099,527
  • PEPE/USD Circulating Supply: 420.7 Trillion PEPE
  • PEPE/USD Total Supply: 420.7 Trillion PEPE
  • PEPE/USD CoinMarketCap Ranking: #37

The Pepe Market (PEPE/USD) Soars; Now Tackle Resistance $0.000008


  • Erresistentzia: 0.000009 $, 0.00001 $ eta 0.000011 $.
  • euskarria: 0.0000048 $, 0.0000040 $ eta 0.0000038 $.

 The Pepe Market Through the Lens of Indicators

Despite the current bullish momentum in the Pepe market outlook, resistance has emerged at the $0.000008 level. This price point has held significant importance since March, with market prices consistently hovering around this threshold. Notably, a pattern of descending peaks has emerged, with notable peaks observed at $0.000010, $0.0000092, and currently approaching the $0.000008 mark. These descending peaks indicate a buildup of bearish momentum, signaling a shift towards a bearish trend. The support level has consequently shifted to $0.0000048.

Behar luke Pepe market encounter rejection once again at the $0.000008 price level, it could signify preparation for a sustained bearish trajectory.

The Pepe Market (PEPE/USD) Soars; Now Tackle Resistance $0.000008

PEPE/USD Price Prediction: 4-Hour Chart Analysis 

Merkatua lentearen bidez aztertzea of the 4-hour chart, it’s evident that bears are exerting notable influence at the $0.000008 price level, as evidenced by the market’s failure to breach this threshold over the past three sessions. Adding to the potential buildup of bearish momentum is the increasing market volatility, as indicated by the expanding Bollinger Bands. Furthermore, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) signals a correction from overbought territory. This confluence of factors suggests a potential for price reversal, as traders may leverage these kripto seinaleak to inform their decision-making processes.

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